A Step in the Right Direction: Sustainable Sneakers

Christian Iannello-Tovar

Sustainability. These days, this word seems to be on everyone’s lips, with more and more consumers becoming conscious about what they are buying. The clothing industry has been brought under scrutiny in the past for the harm it has inflicted on our environment, it is no surprise that some brands have started to step up and take some sustainable responsibility.

The sustainable fashion market

Many fashion companies have started exploring innovative materials for creating eco-friendlier options. For example, global fashion leader Zara aims to use materials that have the least negative impact on our environment whilst also recycling and reusing its range of bags, hangers, boxes, and alarms. The famous footwear brand TOMS is striving towards sustainability, using 100% sustainable cotton and packaging. They are striving to keep the ball rolling recycling more and more of their materials.

Considering this, sustainable fashion brands have offered customers an attractive alternative to more harmful clothing processes, helping the environment and helping their business boom with a more substantial, eco-conscious meaning.

Sustainable sneakers

One product that has certainly not been ignored in the fashion industry’s step toward sustainability is sneakers. Sneakers are popular among all ages, in recent years the blend of high-end fashion brands creating their own style of sneakers and celebrity endorsements the market has expanded like never seen before. Sneakers being an integral part of many consumers’ lives, making them sustainable will make a lot of difference to our planet’s ecosystem.

Further still, with the market already being so saturated, companies have been forced to step up and approach manufacturing differently to stand out from their competition. After all, a brand that demonstrates its dedication to saving the planet is undoubtedly more attractive than one which does not.

What’s already on the market?

Let’s take a look at some sustainable sneakers already on the market. These leading brands have shown their commitment to preserving our ecosystem and can be an excellent purchase for any eco-conscious buyer.

Nike’s Space Hippie Collection

Space Hippie

Nike’s Space Hippie Collection of four intriguing shoe designs takes scrap materials from factory floors and turns them into a bold expression of circular


design. Every material, method, and packaging choice made in these designs has been chosen for its positive environmental impact. By turning rubbish into artistic beauty, Nike has created a product that contributes the least to its carbon footprint! By aiming to use the least carbon and least energy, this collection takes the shoe industry one step closer to sustainability.

This French fashion brand constructs it's shoes with raw materials sourced from ecological agriculture and organic farming methods. The use 30-40% natural rubber on the sole, these sneakers also use upcycled fish skin and B-Mesh fabric made from recycled and reused PET plastics. By avoiding chemicals which would pollute our environment, Veja is claimed to host the world’s most sustainable sneakers!

Yeezy Foam Runners
Kayne West collaborated with Yeezy’s head designer to unveil a prototype of Yeezy Foam Runners. These shoes are made from algae foam mixed with ethylene-vinyl acetate. As a sustainable material choice, algae grow quickly, can be harvested daily, and even take in carbon dioxide in the growing process. Therefore, it’s obvious how these Foam Runners have less of an impact on our environment than more conventional shoe designs.

The difference sustainable brands are making to our world cannot be underestimated. With the blame of carbon dioxide waste constantly looming over the sneaker industry, brands can learn that adopting a more sustainable approach can help our planet and help their business.

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